Book Your Farmstay Now

Enter dates and Guests Below for Pricing

Open the booking form below, add the dates you require and number of guests you want to bring to get an instant quote. The dates in colour are already booked and are unavailable.

Dates more than 45 days ahead = A minimum of 4 night bookings.

15-45 days ahead = A minimum of 3 night bookings.

Less than 15 days ahead =A minimum of 2 night bookings.

NOTE: Some holidays have a minimum of 5 nights required.

Discounts: 10% off for 5 nights or more. (automatically applied)

Prices shown in the calendar are a base price for 2 person occupancy,

(Infants under 2 years old that are not using a bed are free of charge, but are included in the maximum occupancy).

Select the dates required and number of guests for an accurate total.

MAX OCCUPANCY IS 7 INCLUDING CHILDREN/INFANTS (We can accommodate a seventh child with a pop up bed but needs prior approval, please email for details.)